Saturday, March 21, 2020

Scatter Plot Worksheets Tutors

Scatter Plot Worksheets Tutors Definition: - A plot of paired observations is called a scatter plot. Example: - Suppose we take a sample of seven households from a low- to moderate income neighborhood and collect information on their incomes and food expenditure for the past month. Incomes and food expenditures of seven households are given in the following table. Income Food expenditure 35 9 49 15 21 7 39 11 15 5 28 8 25 9 In this table we have a pair of observations for each of the seven household. Each pair consists of one observation on income and a second on food expenditure. For example, the first households income for the past month was $3500 and its food expenditure was $900. By plotting all seven pairs of values, we obtain a Scatter plot. Other example: - An auto manufacturing company wanted to investigate how the price of one of its car models depreciates with age. The researcher department at the company took a sample of eight cars of this model and collected the following information on the ages (in years) and prices (in hundreds of dollars) of these cars. Age 8 3 6 9 2 5 6 3 Price 18 94 50 21 145 42 36 99

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Pray in Islam

How to Pray in Islam Arabic Prayer in Daily Life ChaptersThe Muslim FaithHow to Pray in Arabic: The Ritual Muslim Movements that Accompany the WordsWhen Do Muslims Pray?Which Dialect of Arabic Do You Need to Be Able to Pray in Arabic?Other Religions That Use Arabic OrationsWorldwide,  the Arabic language boasts around 300 million native speakers, making it the 5th most spoken language on the planet.It is a fascinating language which has a rich history and culture, as well as having given so much to western society. There are stacks you need to know about this Semitic language.Arabic speakers are citizens of many different countries, the vast majority of which are Muslim.Even outside of these countries, there are an estimated 1 billion followers of the religion of Islam.Within Islam itself, Arabic plays a central role. It is the language that Allah used to talk to the Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel.The Prophet Muhammad then verbally transmitted this sunnah, a verbal record of teachings, deeds and sayings of God, and they were subsequently written down in Arabic in the 114 surahs (verses) of the Quran. Each surah is of different length with the shortest being only three verses, and the longest 286.This means that learning to write Arabic script is important for Muslims worldwide, but the spoken version also holds significance in the Islamic faith.It is also used in the Islamic call to prayer, also known as Adhan. According to one of the five pillars of Islam, Muslims must worship five times a day; morning prayer, midday prayer, afternoon prayer, after sunset prayer, and night prayer.Therefore across the world, Arabic can be heard daily to let each worshipper know that it is time to pray.Focusing on the Muslim-Arab world, we'll look at the principles of the prayers in the Arabic language, and not on the small number that predate the Quranic era.Before you begin to recite anything, you  must put oneself in a suitable condition to pray, which is to say that in order to have a conversation with the divi ne, one must be clean and dignified which is done by doing a procedure called ghusl. Prayer rooms and mosques, according to the faith, provide a guarantee on this issue.Having a prayer mat becomes necessary from this point of view, notably because one has take care of oneself, before praying, to inspect one's clothes and physical appearance in order to present himself in a state of cleanliness.Ablution, also know as  wudu, (ritual washings) is essentially obligatory before praying. A number of online resources provide detailed instructions on the sequence and nature of the movements.During the act of prayer, lead by an Imam, a variety of physical movements punctuate the raka'ah:Changes of position (standing, kneeling with one's forehead against the ground in a gesture of reverence called ruku, crouching, etc...)Hand movements (arms raised for the first invocation, then on one's chest, etc...)Orientation of the head (lifted towards the sky, towards the sun, in such and a such a postu re, etc...)In order to be true follower of Muhammad, properly understanding spoken Arabic makes it possible to eliminate bad habits in pronunciation as you master the accent.Oral comprehension of Arabic begins with attentive listening!Other Religions That Use Arabic OrationsThe traditional lunar calendar used by Muslims began with Hegira (Muhammad's flight to Medina) on July 16, 622.Prior to this date, the Arabic language had already existed and had served as a means of communication for a lot of people, including Christians.Because of this, you can find recognizable references in the Quran, where many names are simply Islamisized, changed to Arabic (Myriam, Yeshoua, etc...)Christian communities in the East are more and more rare and represent a number of Churches, some attached to Rome (the Catholics), and others aligned with that is known as Orthodoxy, while some are wholly independent.Veiled women on their way to pray.The Coptic people, Christians, are oldest remaining subsistenc e farmers in Egypt, dating to back to before the Islamic conquest.But the majority of these communities use a holy language other than Arabic in order to lead their lives according to Christ.Syrian, for example, even though it's a Semitic language like Arabic, belongs to a sub-group of Aramaic languages.Which doesn't preclude the existence of the Our Father prayer in Arabic.The alaouites (whose belief is a mixture of paganism and monotheistic elements), are still a part of the family of religious communities, too, since they use a dialect of Arabic found in Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey. They're a powerful bloc, contributing to a rebirth in nationalism, and then pan-Arab socialism.So if you want to know more about Islam, and in the process learn Arabic London, why not get started today. There is plenty of help online, including how to get your children to learn Arabic.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Pop Art Changed The Face Of Art For A Generation

How Pop Art Changed The Face Of Art For A Generation How Popular Culture Inspired Art Chapters10 Characteristics And Ideas Of The Pop Art MovementThe Most Well Known Pop ArtistsA Well-known piece of Pop artPop art began in the United States in the mid-1950s and was led by the revolutionary modern artists Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist and Roy Lichtenstein. These artists created an international phenomenon with their art as there were no art movements like it at the time. Despite the fact that this pop art spread as far as the United Kingdom.Although British pop art and Pop art paintings were very different from American pop art. British Pop art artists often used American popular culture to create their work but could only experience it as outsiders looking in.Pop artists wanted to move away from the themes classically explored by fine art such as morality, classic history, religion and myths. While they could appreciate fine art, they couldn’t find any correlation between it and the lives that they were living. They wanted to close the gap and make art that connecte d on a personal level with the people of the time.They were fired up to explore their everyday environment, commonplace objects, people and things excited their imaginations. They dreamed up the idea of elevating and highlighting pop(ular) culture and commercial culture. In the same way that fine art had been elevated with its more traditional themes. They drew their inspiration from movies, advertising, packaging, pop music, comic books and current affairs. The art critic's reaction against this artistic movement was that work looked like readymades and lacked artistic style. But they had style; Pop style and this spread to Europe thanks to famous artists like Warhol.Find out the English tuition for learning English.a picture of a pencil could be just as highly celebrated as a Monet water lilies painting. Photo Source: Unsplashtechniques to avoid brushstrokes. This was to help him express the effect of mass production when the Brushstroke was absent rather than artistic personalisa tion. Warhol is famous For his paintings, pop style and unique way to share his reaction to the popular culture of the day.One major technique that he became famous for was silk screen printing. His inspiration was consumer goods and commercial items; he printed shipping labels, matchbooks, coca cola bottles, coffee labels etc. He was also fascinated with Hollywood and movie stars and had a series of images highlighting the stars of the day such as Elvis, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor.Warhol also experimented with film, creating 60 films in his lifetime of varying lengths. He printed many art books and created a magazine with a friend called interview magazine which is still in print.Top Artworks: Campbell's soup I (1968), Coca cola 3 (Coke bottle image) (1962), Gold Marilyn Monroe (1962), Brillo Boxes (1964), Mao (1973), Orange car crash fourteen times (1963)Birthplace: USA, American artistLifeline: 1928 - 1987Art Style: Pop artArt Forms: Painting, Printing, FilmmakingLichten steinRoy Fox Lichtenstein was born in New York City and grew up with a natural interest in the arts. His art education was spent museums, drawing and taking art classes. He was influenced by Cubist artists like Picasso and Brague and also popular surrealist artists like Paul Klee and Salvador Dali. He also embraced the psychoanalytical subjects of perception, and this became important in the development of his work.Lichtenstein’s most famous works were inspired by popular culture and follow a reportage style displaying little if any of the artist's emotion of the subject matter in the works. He was one of the first artists to gain success in the pop art movement. Though critics fiercely accused him of lack of originality and copying.His method used mixed media; made up of mechanical reproduction and drawing by hand. His work is central to the pop art movement due to his representations of 20th century popular culture.Top Artworks: Popeye (1961), Drowning girl (1963), Yellow Landsc ape (1965)Birthplace: USALifeline: 1923 - 1997Art Style: Pop ArtArt Forms: Painting, sculpture and printmaker (Screenprint)Here is where to find a good English tutor Glasgow.These artists created an international phenomenon with their art. Photo Source: UnsplashA Well-known piece of Pop artMarilyn DiptychThis is a picture showing Marilyn Monroe’s head printed numerous times on canvas. One half of the image is in a bright colour, and the other is in shades of black and white.In 1962 Monroe committed suicide, her death had a huge impact on popular culture because she was an icon of the period.The repetition of Monroe's head is stacked as if on a shelf at the supermarket, giving the idea that Monroe was a product of the time. On the left, the heads are repeated in colour, and to the right, the heads are stacked in black and white. This gives the idea of fading and is said to represent the idea of the fading celebrity. One of the most famous Pop art portraits.Artist: Andy WarholDate c reated: 1962Size: 205 x 145 cm inchesMedium: Acrylic paint on canvas, ScreenprintOther well-known piecesI was a rich Man’s plaything by Eduardo PaolozziJust what is it that makes today's home so different, so appealing? By Richard HamiltonPresident Elect by James RosenquistCampbell's soup cans by Andy WarholCrying girl by Roy LichtensteinPop shop III by Keith HaringElvis I and II by Andy WarholWorld fair mural by Roy LichtensteinThe American dream by Robert IndianaThe only blonde in the world by Pauline BotyPop art was designed by the people for the people, they wanted to make art that people could recognise, understand and relate to on a  personal level. They wanted to make art that people could recognise and feel connected to. They took popular culture and found new ways to develop Pop art design and manipulate it until it manifested as pure pop art.If you found this useful, why not check out our blog on Impressionism. Or learn what the Catholic church had to do with an entire art movement called Baroque. You should also read our blog on the expressionist movement.

Online Tutoring-The Best Mode to accomplish Personal Human Skills

Online Tutoring-The Best Mode to accomplish Personal Human Skills 0SHARESShare Education makes a man perfect-it is said. Online tutoring does this good job with its inherent work philosophy. How does online tutoring help a tutor mould his personal human skills? It activates the listening skills in a tutor Thereby inculcating patience in him Thus leading him  to understand different human natures from different perspectives In due course, preparing him to accept the diversity of human nature at large In the long run,   infusing the emphatic attitude towards other individuals Manifesting accommodative tendency and endearing nature towards other individuals Enhancing communicative capabilities as you find in Oral English tutoring Innovative  and creative abilities as you find in Science tutoring like Chemistry tutoring The student as well learns these following personal human skills Open hearted communication Open minded inquiries about learning anything Interpersonal skills with increased ability to communicate clearly Gentle rapport with any person Clear cut awareness and expression of self motivated goals and targets Self discipline Time management Self motivation Riddance of inhibitions and intimidation Accommodation with peers through online collaborative study Thus online tutoring offers not only homework help and other kinds of tutoring services, but it shows its strong hand in molding the personal skills of both the tutors and students. Tutor Pace. Com has its own forte in molding good individuals out of tutors and students. [starbox id=admin]

Finding high school math answers is not a worry if TutorPace is beside

Finding high school math answers is not a worry if TutorPace is beside Finding high school math answers is not a worry if TutorPace is beside In our society we all want to be placed in with a noble job. Job that will help us to acquire respect and a good image over the society. People make it a point of distinguish you among various other crowd of common man. For this it is very essential that the practice of making oneself into an uncommon man should be started from the very day of their getting admission in schools. Since being a kid it is very important that parents should take good care of their children. Parents should help them to grow up in a better person both personally and academically as well. Students often need high school math answers for good grades. Various sections of School It all starts over with school. School has many sections in it divided for the betterment of the student. It has good teachers, perfect ambience and nice surrounding and so on. The entire span of school life is divided into various parts such as nursery sections, primary school, middle school, high school and higher secondary school. Every section comprises of having in it some of the classes. Primary school starts off with class 1 to class 4, middle school is of class 5 to class 7. The high school comes up covering the largest section of the school from class 8 till class 12. Each class has its own couple of teachers who are there to help and support you during school hours. But what about the time you spent at your home, or the summer vacations or winter vacations during which you have to be at your home. School teachers cannot help you at this time and so you need a helping hand where you can clear your doubts undoubtedly. One option is having a private tutor by your side. When you have a private tutor by your side then you can easily come in and get help. But for that you need to travel to a certain place and then attend your tuition classes. But what if you do not have to so anything as such and still you can easily avail the best facility of having a private tutor. You may be surprised by now that what is being said. You need not have to be very surprised with the kind of help that you will get from something new and trustworthy. It is the entire world of online tutoring. Make out what online tutoring is all about Online tutoring is something that is new yet interesting for any student. In the gennext world, every student is very familiar with internet and its various types of usage. It helps you to get out of various difficulties that arise due to the fact that you do not know the information. Online tutoring is totally based on internet and how it can help you to learn and teach. Today various institutes are coming up that are brining in a new of learning and that is through online tutoring way. The entire process of teaching is conducted through the help of internet and students also can attend the classes with the help of internet. This type of teaching may be new but with time it is slowly getting into the popularity chart. Slowly yet steadying people are accepting the concept and are helping their children to enroll themselves for having a better tomorrow. It is very simple and it has some of the unique features that is not possible for any private tutor to help yo0u in such a way as it does. Now, let us get into some of the features and know about it a little more. Characteristics of online tutoring ? The most important part of a teaching institute is having a good teacher by your side whenever you need. This is possible only when you have enrolled yourself into a good institute and you are surrounded with some of the best teachers for your help. Online teaching courses help you to get help with it. The teachers are good enough to know the subject well and thus pass it to their students for their betterment. The qualified teachers are entertained by the institutes as they have to go through very tough process of interview. ? E-learning institutes do not have any closing time. They are open all round the clock. This means that the availability of the teachers are found every time they sit with some doubts. The teachers can help a student whenever they need their suggestion or help. The process of having someone all round the clock brings to you the best way through which you can know your problems better and that also from a very efficient and intelligent teacher. ? Every child is attendee by every single teacher in the world of online teachers. This is one of the best facilities that e-learning institutes provide you. A weak student is enormously helps with such a kind of service they have. When you get to know that you will not get insulted from the teachers with the problems you face with mathematics or any of the subjects, an inner confidence comes out. This is only possible when a single teacher helps one single student at one point of time. ? The teachers are ample and you can take help from anyone you want. The student do not have to waste their time and energy to reach at a certain place and still they can attend the best class that also easily and this is only possible through online teaching institutes conducting the entire class with the help of internet as video conferencing, audio conferencing and online chats. How can TutorPace help you with high school math answers? There are various types of institutes that are there to help you with online teaching facility. This can help you to know better with less time duration. TutorPace is one of the leading institutes that will help you to get help on various topics or subjects that that also at very affordable prices. High school math answers can also be easily found with TutorPace.  

What is the PreACT

What is the PreACT High school can initially feel a bit overwhelmingtheres a lot to learn, and youve got to begin preparing for any number of tests. Before youve really begun this phase of your life, youre already being asked to think about college. One of the things virtually every high school student has to deal with is standardized testing. While this often happens within the curriculum of your school, youve also got the option of completing testing that will gain you admittance to the colleges and universities you hope to attend. Sure, youve heard of the ACT and SATbut what about the PreACT? What exactly is the PreACT? Simply put, the PreACT acts as preparation for the ACT, which is typically taken during your junior or senior year of high school (if you choose to take it). According to, the PreACT is designed to be an early indication of progress to help guide action plans, provide fast reporting so students and educators can turn PreACT data into action, and easy, flexible, affordable administration to give students high-stakes practice. The PreACT can be taken by students anytime between September 1st and June 1st. Practice makes perfect One of the best things about the PreACT is that it offers the ability to practice taking the ACT in a simulated environment. Your PreACT score is offered in the same format as your ACT score, which can help students feel more prepared and ultimately raise their scores. The act of testing can also give students valuable insights into areas they may wish to study more or those where theyre excelling, allowing teachers and students to further tailor learning plans. [RELATED: Can the ACT Aspire Predict Your ACT Score?] Guidance for your future The PreACT can also be a great tool for helping you decide what exactly it is youd like to do in your future career. While you certainly have some time to decide, it can be helpful to at least have an idea now about what career path you may wish to ultimately follow. The PreACT can offer some insight into strengths or weaknesses and help guidance counselors, parents, and educators encourage students into particular fields that may fit them best. An opportunity for colleges While youre not required to share your PreACT scores with colleges or scholarship sponsors, you may do so if you choose. This can give universities the opportunity to recruit you, which can open new doors. You may also receive more personal correspondence, scholarships, and recruitment when you perform particularly well on the test. Helping make education better The PreACT is beneficial for students and teachers alike, offering guidance and perspective into ideas for more effective education concepts for students. The data gathered from this test can be used to support or amend important decisions about facets of the high school curriculum that will ideally help students in the long-term. The next step Once students have taken the PreACT, they can use that foundation to keep reviewing for the ACTin an effective manner that appeals to their strengths and weaknesses, perhaps by using ACT practice tests or an ACT prep book. Preparing for the ACT is a multi-step processtaking the PreACT is only the beginning. By adequately preparing for the ACT, youre ensuring that youre giving yourself the best chance for a promising academic future.

Becoming a Photographer Analysing the Different Types of Photography

Becoming a Photographer Analysing the Different Types of Photography A Career as a Photographer: Different Types of Photography ChaptersWedding PhotographyWildlife PhotographyAdvertising PhotographyFashion PhotographyPortrait PhotographySports Photography“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” -Aaron SiskindSome children dream of becoming astronauts to explore the deepest parts of space, others want to become veterinarians to save sick animals, and some wish to train to become firemen to protect people from harm.What about photography? Do people want to become photographers?  According to many statistics and reputable resources, amateur photography is on the rise. There have never been so many photographs taken as there have been in the past few years.Why is that?  Social media outlets such as Instagram has inspired people of all ages to take and post stylish pictures to impress others. While some people should find another talent, others are remarkably good. For tho se who possess the raw ability of photo taking, there are many distinct types of photography that aspiring photographers can specialise in.Such as?  In today's article, we will discuss how a photographer can launch a career in distinct types of photography.The wedding photography business is quite competitive, and only the best get booked. Amateurs wedding photographers need to work hard to prove themselves up to the task of taking breathtaking wedding photos.How does a beginner commence in the wedding photography business?  There are a few steps, such as creating a presence on social media, getting second shooter experience, using your networking skills, and frequent advertising that helps aspiring photographers gain professional knowledge.Also, it is worth mentioning information about what is needed on the day of a wedding shoot. Expert nuptial photographers suggest bringing backups of all gear such as cameras, flashes, and lenses in case things get damaged. Extra batteries and me mory cards are not a bad idea either.Did you know that wearing comfortable footwear and eating frequent snacks makes the day more enjoyable?Becoming a wedding photographer is a dream for many that can be achieved through hard work and determination.Wildlife Photography Becoming a successful photographer means becoming familiar with your camera and its distinct functions. (Source: Unsplash)Do like the natural world? Do you want to take more pictures? Would you appreciate spending hours, days, and weeks observing distinct animal and plant species in their natural habitat?If you answered yes to the previously mentioned questions, you are destined for a career as a wildlife photographer! Wildlife photography is a specific niche of picture taking that combines a person's love for the wild and passion for photography. It is important to mention that it is not for the faint-hearted; harsh conditions have to be endured to take the million-dollar shot.How do I become a wildlife photographer? It is essential to mention that no previous training is required to become a professional wildlife photographer. However, the following are specific steps or characteristics that make becoming skilled in wildlife photography more attainable:Learn multiple techniques to become a photography expert,Make the great outdoors your best friend,Network yourself by creating a website and using social media to acquire the best jobs.Also, since wildlife photographers regularly work outside the studio, there is specific gear that needs to be purchased to make life easier.Such as?  For example, wildlife photographers need to buy binoculars, telephoto lens, tripods, and camera bags, among other things.While it is true that talent is responsible for taking beautiful pictures, there is specific gear that helps advertising photographers hone their skills such as a DSLR camera, a professional lens, lighting equipment, and a camera bag.  Fashion Photography The best photographers make their models feel at ease. (Source: Unsplash)Strike a pose the camera loves you and your gorgeous. The work of fashion photographers is to make the beautiful model feel comfortable and perform at his or her best. Fashion designers spend millions of pounds creating new styles and trends; therefore, they trust in professional fashion photographers to take stellar pictures that will inspire everyday people to buy new fabrics and threads.Famous fashion photographers such as Annie Leibovitz, Peter Lindbergh, Helmut Newton, Mario Testino, and Patrick Demarchelier have taken some of the 20th and 21st centuries most magnificent photographs.  Becoming a fashion photographer is hard work that requires time and continuous effort. For example, amateur fashion photographers would be wise to follow the subsequent steps to make it big in the world of fashion and photography:  Create a stunning portfolio with your best shots featured,Work for free at first to develop a cl ientele and show others that you mean business,Use social media as your platform to find new jobs or contracts,Ask the permission of art gallery owners to feature your work on their walls.A high-quality DSLR camera is recommended, a few types of professional lenses, lighting gear, and editing tools are needed to become equipped for any type of fashion shoot.  Portrait PhotographyA picture is worth a thousands words.  Portrait photographers specialise in bringing the raw human emotion to the surface with beautiful photographs that tell us a story.Did you know that there are many distinct types of portrait photography?The following list demonstrates to all the many different sectors of portrait photography that aspiring photographers can specialise in:Couples, family or group,Self-portraits,Surreal portraits,Environmental portraits,Lifestyle portraits,Traditional portraits.By choosing one of the previously mentioned photographies to specialise in, a portrait photographer becomes skill ed in their domain. However, it is essential to state that becoming a professional portrait photographer is no easy task. Getting enough contracts and jobs to pay the rent and a bit more takes time.What can be done?  The following steps demonstrate how a career in portrait photography can be started:Become skilled in all aspects of portrait photography; study, study, study,Decide between your career options: 1) Working for an established portrait photography studio, 2) Open your own studio,Build your portfolio by working with friends and family. Also, promote yourself on social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter,Work on your people skills. Why? No one likes to work with a grump on a photoshoot!Typical equipment of portrait photographers working outside the studio may include a high-quality camera, a few different lenses, a tripod, and a camera bag.  Sports Photography Depending on the type of photography, different gear is needed. (Source: Unsplash)Sports are adored by people all over the world. Whether it's football, basketball, tennis, golf, or swimming, individuals love to cheer on their favourite athletes in the comfort of their own home or at sporting events.Some individuals have combined their love for sports and a passion for photography into a brilliant career as a sports photographer.  Is it easy to find work as a sports photographer? Like many different sectors of photography, sports photography is very competitive and quite challenging to break into. Nevertheless, it isn't impossible. The following are some helpful tips to commence a successful career in sports photography:Learn the rules of the game you are shooting; this will help you plan your shots by becoming familiar with regulations, the characteristics of the players, and knowing where to place yourself,Become a student of photography to acquire helpful tips that will set you ap art from the rest,Volunteer to take pictures of smaller sports events to gain experience,Start an interactive blog highlighting your work and talent as a photographer,Apply for different jobs on magazine websites,Become a master editor and familiarise yourself with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom.Also, it is essential to mention that sports photographers need specialised equipment to take masterful shots. Essential gear to excel in sports photography includes a DSLR or mirrorless camera, a couple of lenses, many SD or memory cards, and a monopod.By becoming familiar with all distinct types of photography, aspiring photographers can make an educated decision as to what sector is worthy of their talent. Are you ready for a magnificent career?

3 Tips for Responding to Its Not Fair

3 Tips for Responding to “It’s Not Fair” But, its not fair! This phrase, and the tone that comes with it, is a universal button pusher for parents. It inevitably comes a time when youre already running low on patience, and calmly engaging in a discussion about the fairness of a situation is the last thing that you want to do. Your child is equally as distressed, and because he or she truly believes that he or she has been wronged, your childs mind becomes focused solely on arguing his or her position in the fairness debate. Kids with ADHD identify more situations as being unfair than kids without ADHD, and they struggle to move on and let go. Why? In general, kids with ADHD are prone to black-and-white thinking, and struggle to see the gray areas in situations. They also tend to have difficulty looking at things from the perspective of another person, and think that their view of a situation is the only perspective that exists. In addition, when they are frustrated, they have a hard time managing their feelings, and when they feel frustrated they are more likely to think negatively about the things that are happening around them. Its challenging to know how to respond when your child complains about fairness. You want to help him or her understand why something is fair despite how it may seem, or learn to be okay with the fact that things in life wont always be fair. But the life-lesson conversations about fairness that youve had with your child in the past dont really seem to be having an impact. Plan a brief response that you can use consistently. Think about a brief response that you can use whenever your child complains about fairness. First, acknowledge your childs feelings of frustration. Let him or her know that you can see why things might feel unfair and that you know this can be upsetting. Then, let him or her know that even though its frustrating, fair doesnt always mean equal, and equal doesnt always mean fair. It can help to give an example, like - if your friend (or sibling) is sick and needs to stay home and miss a party and then I tell you that you also need to stay home because that would make things equal, that would not be fair. If you think your child would benefit from longer, more detailed discussions about being flexible, or understanding the gray areas in situations, then have these talks at another time when both of you are calm and more open-minded. Stick to your decision and do not give in. When you give in to your child after they complain that something is not fair, then you are sending the message that complaining is an effective strategy. Essentially, you are rewarding their behavior and inadvertently making it more likely that they will complain about things being unfair again in the future. Catch your child being good praise them when they dont complain. Its easy to notice the times when your child complains about a situation, but its important to look for times when he or she doesnt complain! Be on the lookout for situations when things didnt go the way your child had hoped, but he or she didnt complain about things being unfair. Instead, he or she rolled with the situation and didnt get caught up in the perceived unfairness. You may need to start by praising little victories. If your child complained, but then moved on quickly, then let him or her know that you appreciate the fact that even though he or she wasnt happy with the situation, he or she was able to bounce back quickly. Praise is a type of reward, and it will help your child become more likely to move on quickly again in the future. If you follow this three-step approach consistently, youll start hearing fewer and fewer complaints from your child about fairness. At the same time, your child will learn that he or she can tolerate feelings of frustration, and that it can feel good to let go and move on from difficult situations. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.